The August 2018 issue of Parking Today magazine includes an article by Nwave’s very own Patrick Noon. Check out this short summary:

Сonstruction of parking spaces

For many municipalities, parking management is becoming a tougher challenge year after year. The advent of ride-sharing, delivery services of all types, elimination of parking minimums at high density housing developments, and increased traffic coupled with shrinking curb space given over to bike lanes, loading zones and commuter lanes aggravates the situation. Decision makers often try to resolve the problem by building more parking structures and/or imposing more traffic regulations. These solutions may be knee jerk reactions resulting from public outcry and not solid insights based on data and facts.

Insights based on data and facts are always a part of the correct solution

Providing drivers with real-time way-finding to open and available parking spaces reduces the time they spend searching for free spots, reducing approximately 30% of downtown traffic circling around searching for a free spot. It educates the driver to other parking opportunities they may not know about. This ensures all parking assets are used to their fullest before new structures are built or new regulations enacted. Meanwhile, historical data can show administrators which parking lots fill first, stay full longest and empty the last. This may translate into parking asset managers raising rates in some garages while others are lowered to shift demand. It may also result in, as a last resort and based on solid data, the need for a new structure.

Nwave’s vehicle detection infrastructure transmits, in real-time, the occupancy status of every Nwave enabled parking space, 24/7/365. This information is given to both drivers and parking asset managers. The cloud-based backend application stores historical data, providing asset managers with powerful actionable insights enabling them to make educated data-driven decisions.

You can read the full article at